- Demers, A., & Quesnel-Vallée, A. 1998. L’intoxication à l’alcool: Conséquences et déterminants. Montréal: Comité permanent de lutte à la toxicomanie, Gouvernement du Québec.
- Taylor, M. G., & Quesnel-Vallée, A. (2016). The Structural Burden of Caregiving: Shared Challenges in the United States and Canada. The Gerontologist GERONT.
- Gariepy, G., Honkaniemi, H., & Quesnel-Vallee, A. (July 21, 2016). Social support and protection from depression: systematic review of current findings in Western countries.The British Journal of Psychiatry.
- Park, A. L., Fuhrer, R., & Quesnel-Vallée, A. (January 01, 2013). Parents’ education and the risk of major depression in early adulthood. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 48, 11, 1829-39.
- Fagg, J. H., Curtis, S. E., Cummins, S., Stansfeld, S. A., & Quesnel-Vallée, A. (August 01, 2013). Neighbourhood deprivation and adolescent self-esteem: Exploration of the ‘socio-economic equalisation in youth’ hypothesis in Britain and Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 91, 168-177.
- Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Taylor, M. (March 01, 2012). Socioeconomic pathways to depressive symptoms in adulthood: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979. Social Science & Medicine, 74, 5, 734-743.
- Setia, M. S., Quesnel-Vallee, A., Abrahamowicz, M., Tousignant, P., & Lynch, J. (February 03, 2012). Different Outcomes for Different Health Measures in Immigrants: Evidence from a Longitudinal Analysis of the National Population Health Survey (1994–2006). Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14, 1, 156-165.
- Singh, S. M., Lynch, J., Abrahamowicz, M., Tousignant, P., & Quesnel-Vallee, A. (March 01, 2011). Self-rated health in Canadian immigrants: Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada. Health and Place, 17, 2, 658-670.
- Quesnel-Vallée, A., DeHaney, S., & Ciampi, A. (June 01, 2010). Temporary work and depressive symptoms: A propensity score analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 70, 12, 1982-1987.
- Singh, S. M., Quesnel-Vallee, A., Curtis, S., & Lynch, J. (January 01, 2009). Assessing the role of individual and neighbourhood characteristics in HIV testing: evidence from a popu
lation based survey. The Open Aids Journal, 3, 46-54.
- Setia, M. S., Quesnel-Vallee, A., Abrahamowicz, M., Tousignant, P., & Lynch, J. (January 01, 2009). Convergence of body mass index of immigrants to the Canadian-born population: evidence from the National Population Health Survey (2006).European Journal of Epidemiology, 24, 10, 611-
- Maximova, K., & Quesnel-Vallée, A. (March 01, 2009). Mental health consequences of unintended childlessness and unplanned births: Gender differences and life course dynamics. Social Science & Medicine, 68, 5, 850-857.
- Quesnel-Vallée, A. (January 01, 2007). Self-rated health: caught in the crossfire of the quest for ‘true’ health?. International Journal of Epidemiology, 36, 6, 1161-4.
- Quesnel-Vallee, A., & Taylor, M. (2006, June). Pathways from parental education to adult trajectories of depressive symptoms. In American Journal of Epidemiology(Vol. 163, No. 11, pp. S70-S70). Journals Dept, 2001 Evans Rd, Cary, NC 27513 USA: Oxford Univ Press Inc.
- Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Morgan, S. P. (December 01, 2003). Missing the Target? Correspondence of Fertility Intentions and Behavior in the U.S. Population Research and Policy Review : in Cooperation with the Southern Demographic Association (sda),22, 497-525.
- Falconer, J., and A. Quesnel-Vallée. Self-rated health as a predictor for mortality in the United States and Canada. Under review at Canadian Studies in Population.
- Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Taylor, M. 2006. Pathways from parental education to adult trajectories of depressive symptoms. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163(Suppl), S70.
- Quesnel-Vallee, A; Fuhrer, R; Shipley, MJ; Goldberg, M; Marmot, MG; (2005) Content and criterion validity of self-rated health by gender, socioeconomic position, and country. In American Journal of Epidemiology. (pp. S134 – S134). Oxford Univ Press Inc
- The contribution of a Panel Study of Life-course Dynamics (PSLD) to public policy analysis in Canada 2005. Social Development – Canada. (Equal contributions with P. Bernard (Chair), P. Bélanger, J. Charbonneau, C. Le Bourdais, L. McDonald, S. Phipps, L. Potvin, J. D. Willms).
- Learning, Debating and Deciding: The contribution of longitudinal and lifecourse research to public policy in Canada. 2005. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Equal contributions with P. Bernard (Chair), P. Bélanger, J. Charbonneau, J. Fast, A. H. Gauthier, C. Le Bourdais, T. Lemieux, D. Livingstone, R. Lyons, L. McDonald, M. Ornstein, S. Phipps, L. Potvin, B. G. Spencer, J. D. Willms).
- Quesnel-Vallée, A. (2005). Constructions of health and illness: European perspectives. [Book Review]. Contemporary Sociology-A Journal of Reviews, 34(3), 322-323.

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